

Health Coaching - a new contemplative approach

Health starts with our mind and soul and health coaching helps.

We've all been there - we've had a stressful couple of weeks at work trying to finish off before we head off on the holiday of a lifetime; only to find that as soon as we relax the lurgy comes out of nowhere and flattens us. Instead of soaking up sun, sea and sangria, we're indoors sipping honey and lemon, and wishing we had an endless supply of tissues. So what has this got to do with coaching?

How health coaching h…

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How to choose a natural therapist


I recently had a Facebook discussion with a fellow herbalist. We were both shocked by some of the things a so called herbal medicine page had posted. The article in discussion was advocating treatment that was outright harmful if not potentially dangerous in the guise of science.

It got me thinking about how people without medical knowledge choose a therapist.

These things are not specific to herbal medicine, so whatever type of therapy we are considering they are questions to bear in mind.


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What is a herbalist anyway?

When I meet people and tell them I am a medical herbalist I frequently get blank, confused looks back before a comment that implies I am some sort of quack. There are many different types of therapist available today, with varying levels of medical knowledge and skill and it is easy to put herbalists into the "complementary therapy" box without even blinking. However that is an injustice to the training and knowledge it takes be a herbalist. I like to think that a herbalist sits in the space bet…

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