
How to come out of lockdown without anxiety


Change is stressful. 

Even the most positive change can be stressful. Even when we want something, if it requires us to change, or a change to our circumstances, it causes stress. 

Yet change happens all the time. 

Think about how many changes have happened to you ove the last year. 

  • Have there been changes to your job or the way you work? Are you now working from home all of the time? Do you have to wear a facemask at work? 
  • How have your relationships changed? Do you no longer see your …

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Ancient lessons that support modern times


This weekend I did a meditation retreat, the subject of which was the Medicine Buddha (or Bhaisajyaguru). Working in the healthcare sector I've been attracted to the Medicine Buddha for quite a while so when the opportunity came up to learn a bit more I jumped at the chance. 

From a personal, spiritual perspective it was amazing! If you've never done a short meditation retreat, then I would really recommend trying one.... though perhaps not the Medicine Buddha as your first time. 

But what str…

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Five ways to cope with Zoom fatigue


Six months ago the phrase 'Zoom fatigue' didn't even exist and yet today, it's probably one of the most commonly used phrases in the English language. 

As our lives are moving more and more online, our days are taken up with back to back video calls and it's leaving us feeling exhausted. I don't know a single person who is not complaining about just how tiring video calls are. 

But why? 

According to Andrew Franklin, an assistant professor of cyberpsychology at Virginia’s Norfolk State Univer…

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Running a business is really hard


I've just received my second email from someone complaining that they have just received six emails from me in the last minute and they aren't happy.

Neither am I. 

In fact right at this moment I feel like giving up. Life was easy (well easier) when I was research scientist. 

Instead, I write a very humble apology to send to the lovely people who signed up for my free webinar explaining that (despite spending hours working out the exact sequence and dates) my automated series of emails promot…

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How to fight a Coronavirus from your kitchen


What the research tells us that can help you at home

Over the last few weeks, myself and some herbalist colleagues have been collating a lot of research about 2019-nCoV, more commonly known as Covid-19 or Coronavirus. We have been looking at research from how the virus interacts with the human body to the research coming out of China on the herbal medicine protocols that have been successful.

There is a lot of misinformation out there so I want to share with you what I've learned - based…

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So you're making New Year's Resolutions?


According to a survey published in Reuters, one third of new year's resolutions don't make it passed the end of January. An analysis of the survey concluded that the reason is because we don't make the right resolutions but I would challenge that. Certainly if I am making a resolution it's because it is something important in my life that I want to change. So why do so many of us fail?

The American Psychological Association says it's because we lack willpower. Kelly McGonigal (a researcher …

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Health Coaching - a new contemplative approach

Health starts with our mind and soul and health coaching helps.

We've all been there - we've had a stressful couple of weeks at work trying to finish off before we head off on the holiday of a lifetime; only to find that as soon as we relax the lurgy comes out of nowhere and flattens us. Instead of soaking up sun, sea and sangria, we're indoors sipping honey and lemon, and wishing we had an endless supply of tissues. So what has this got to do with coaching?

How health coaching h…

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When life gives you lemons and you can't make lemonade - my story of grief


I've taken a break from the blogging and promoting my business for the last 12 months or so and I thought it was time to explain why and share my story of grief.


At the beginning of August 2018, my little sister took her own life. When my brother phoned to break the news I instantly knew something wrong but I could not imagine the heart-wrenching agony that single phone call would unleash.


My little sister had been suffering with her mental health for a number of years; she'd had support…

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Sage - a natural remedy for hot flushes


Now if you ask any herbalist what their go to herb is for hot flushes they will tell you sage. Yup, that common-a-garden plant is a miracle for the hottest of women.

The Geeky Stuff

Sage has been used traditionally for menopausal hot flushes and night sweats for many years. It’s not really known how it works. Research studies have shown that it does improve symptoms, particularly excessive sweating but we don’t know how. It was thought that it affected hormone levels but the showed only change…

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